"We, at UN Women, are committed to preventing and eradicating sexual harassment in the UN system and beyond, and we believe that this Knowledge Hub will further strengthen these efforts. We look forward to continuing to collaborate with the international community to accelerate our joint efforts."


- Ms. Sima Bahous, Executive Director, UN Women



This Knowledge Hub on addressing sexual harassment was developed by UN Women to bring together UN system-wide resources on addressing sexual harassment and enable easier access to key tools for internal and external audiences. Enhanced transparency and public access to resources are vital to eradicate sexual harassment.   


The UN Secretary-General and executive leadership in the UN system have committed to zero tolerance for inaction on sexual harassment, to strengthen victim-centred prevention and response efforts, and foster a safe, equal and inclusive working environment across the UN system. To realize these commitments, the Secretary-General advised the UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) to establish the CEB Task Force on Addressing Sexual Harassment within the Organizations of the UN System (CEB Task Force) in November 2017. The Task Force is currently chaired by Ms. Kelly Clements, Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees and Vice-Chair of the High-Level Committee on Management (HLCM). 


The CEB Task Force has made substantial progress, including on strengthening investigations, developing a UN System Model Policy on Sexual Harassment, creating a Guide for Managers: Prevention of, and Response to, Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, launching the Code of Conduct to Prevent Harassment, including sexual harassment at UN system events, implementing the ClearCheck Screening Database, a Manual for Investigations of Sexual Harassment and Principles for a Victim-Centred Approach to Sexual Harassment.


In addition to these system-wide initiatives, UN system entities have individually created materials, toolkits and products to prevent and address sexual harassment that are available on this Knowledge Hub.