Video Communicating empowerment, respect, and dignity: A presentation for UN Secretariat Personnel at ESCAP

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This video intends to offer guidance on policy and practice on preventing and dealing with sexual harassment. It does so within the context of current policies in the United Nations Secretariat. It defines sexual harassment and how we are all responsible for the culture at work and for ensuring a harmonious work environment. It mentions the concept of active bystander being a powerful way to influence the work culture. The video explains step by step what personnel can do if something is troubling them – informal and formal channels they can access such as UN Speak Up Helpline, UN Victims Rights Advocate, Ombudsman’s Office, Staff counsellor. The video explains the investigations and disciplinary process. At the very end, it promotes the UN system wide Knowledge Hub for resources, best practices and tools on the UN System’s efforts to prevent and address sexual harassment.

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