Statement on the protection from sexual exploitation and abuse for implementing partners

The UNEP PSEA Statement and UNEP Statement on Sexual Misconduct are intended to strengthen measures to better prevent, detect, report and act against SEA and abuse and sexual harassment. The documents define sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and sexual harassment (SH), provides details on what is prohibited in relation to SEA and SH, outlines the principles related to preventing and responding to SEA and SH, highlights the responsibilities of implementing partners and personnel in relation to SEA and SH, identifies UNEP’s response to SEA and SH, indicates who is involved as a perpetrator or victims and provides information on how to report SEA and SH. The UNEP PSEA Statement for implementing partners provides training that is available to implementing partners to prevent, monitor and respond to PSEA. The UNEP PSEA Statement for Implementing Partners targets implementing partners while the UNEP Statement on Sexual Misconduct for UNEP Personnel is for UNEP Personnel.