#Respect – It’s our right to have a harassment-free workplace

UNAIDS and WHO launched a revised policy on preventing and addressing abusive conduct in March 2021. The multi-year #Respect campaign aims to raise awareness of the policy and ensure that staff know what is considered to be abusive conduct and how to prevent and address it.
During the first phase, launched in September 2021, staff were familiarized with the definitions of Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, and Abuse of Authority as included in the policy through first-person statements printed on postcards and shared as gifs.
The second phase of the campaign (#Respect2.0), launched in March 2023, continues to socialize the UNAIDS/WHO policy on abusive conduct. But it also promotes inspiring behaviours that can make UNAIDS a safe and respectful workplace – such as an active bystander conduct, which calls out unacceptable behaviours, and apologizing when someone else feels offended.
#Respect campaign materials such as Postcards, Gifs, Videos (English, French and Spanish) can only be shared with individual entities upon request.
Feature story: UNAIDS Respect campaign against abusive conduct