Policy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct

WHO’s new Policy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct (PASM), which came into effect on 8 March 2023, enhances WHO’s legal and accountability frameworks for achieving zero tolerance for sexual misconduct and inaction against it. The umbrella term “sexual misconduct”, as introduced in WHO by the PASM policy, encompasses all forms of prohibited sexual behaviour by the Organization’s staff and collaborators. Sexual misconduct includes, but is not limited to, sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and any form of sexual violence.
The PASM policy maintains a strong victim and survivor-centered focus while ensuring protection for the human rights of all concerned parties. It addresses gaps, loopholes, and lack of clarity in previous policy documents, aligns with international and United Nation requirements and protocols, and outlines clearly the responsibilities of staff members and collaborators, supervisors, and the Organization. Implementation of the PASM policy is supported by the three-years strategy for preventing and responding to sexual misconduct, and annual implementation plans which will be monitored closely.
The Policy on Preventing and Addressing Sexual Misconduct is applicable to UNAIDS personnel using the umbrella term sexual misconduct which includes but is not limited to sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA), sexual harassment (SH) and sexual violence (SV).