Make parity a reality: Field-specific enabling environment guidelines

These field-specific enabling environment guidelines provide tailored guidance for personnel in the field, especially in mission settings, to help increase the representation of women and accelerate efforts to reach gender parity in the UN system. The guidelines support the implementation of the UN Secretary-General’s system-wide strategy on gender parity and complement the enabling environment guidelines for the UN system and its supplementary guidance.
The field-specific guidelines focus on six thematic areas:
- Professional and personal life integration;
- Standards of conduct;
- Security and safety;
- Occupational safety, health, and wellbeing;
- Recruitment, talent management, and retention; and
- Leadership, accountability, and implementation.
Each chapter reflects the field-specific challenges and opportunities identified in the research and provide a series of practical recommendations and good examples for the organization, managers, and personnel at the individual level. An enabling working environment depends on everyone’s contributions and should be available for all.
The guidelines were developed amid the COVID-19 crisis, which created and exacerbated challenges, as well as offered opportunities for organizational culture change and innovative working methods. The guidelines were produced by UN Women through a consultative, inclusive, and collaborative approach with nearly 200 colleagues from more than 50 countries where the United Nations operates, including with the UN System-wide Gender Focal Point Network.
For more information about the guidelines, please contact focalpoint.forwomen@unwomen.org.