‘Just a joke' toolkit

This toolkit is for educators and focusses on the issue of tackling sexualized online bullying amongst 9-12 year olds, and provides resources to raise awareness and support parents and carers in preventing and responding to this issue. The toolkit includes lesson plans, quick activities for teachers, a quiz and a teaching guide, and aims to support the teaching around this area in an age appropriate way. Following focus group work in the UK, Denmark and Hungary, these resources were developed as we had found that this behaviour manifested itself earlier than teen age, and even though the behaviour was not necessarily sexually motivated, it took the same form, and it is critical to address this at an early age and stage. The resulting toolkit provides a very practical suite of resources with the teaching guidance to give the educator confidence to deliver them. For parents and carers there is an online leaflet (printable 2-sides of A4) and a short film.