- Responding to Public Harassment https://righttobe.org/guides/how-to-respond-to-public-harassment/

Stand Up Against Street Harassment

All across the United States, girls, women, and transgender and gender non-binary individuals experience street harassment simply because of their gender identity or gender expression every day. Gender discrimination in society is a huge issue that needs to be addressed and we all have a responsibility to do something about it, but too often we freeze. We don’t know what to do. That’s where bystander intervention training comes in.
When we intervene, we don’t just reduce trauma for the person being street harassed, we also start to chip away at the sexist culture that allows gender bias, gender inequality, and harassment to be so prevalent.
With the support of Right To Be, L’Oréal Paris, the NYC Commission on Gender Equity, and the Mayor’s Office to End Domestic and Gender-Based Violence, we have a historic opportunity to train 20,000 people before the end of 2022 in how to intervene when they see street harassment.
Join us. Be part of the change to Stand Up Against Street Harassment.