• Brief n°1: Convention No. 190 and Recommendation No.206 at a glance
This brief provides an introduction to the main content and highlights of Convention No.190 and Recommendation No. 206.
• Brief n°2: Sexual harassment in the world of work
Sexual harassment is a widespread form of violence and harassment that undermines equality at work. While it can affect anyone, it particularly affects women and reinforces stereotypes about their abilities and aspirations. This brief looks at sexual harassment in the world of work, its elements, causes and consequences, as well as at possible measures to prevent and protect against it.
• Brief n°3: Domestic violence and its impact in the world of work
Although domestic violence may originate in the home, it can spill over into the world of work. This brief provides an overview of how the phenomenon of domestic violence inter-relates with the world of work, and looks at how measures in the world of work can mitigate the impact of this phenomenon.
• Brief n°4: Violence and harassment against persons with disabilities
It is estimated that persons with disabilities represent approximately 15 per cent of the world’s population. They may be subject to specific forms of violence and harassment and may be disproportionately affected by it. This brief introduces the different factors and circumstances that can surround the phenomenon of violence and harassment against persons with disabilities in the world of work and points at certain measures that may be adopted in the framework of Convention No.190 to address it.
• Brief n°5: HIV-related violence and harassment in the world of work
In the world of work, HIV is an important factor increasing the risk of violence and harassment, and exposure to violence and harassment may increase HIV risk. This brief provides an overview of the link between HIV-related stigma and discrimination and violence and harassment in the world of work, and provides an insight on specific forms of violence and harassment based on real or perceived HIV status. It also highlights some elements that should be considered when adopting measures to prevent and address HIV-related violence and harassment in the world of work, and explores how the framework for action provided by Convention No.190 can be used in this regard.

Series of technical briefs : Violence and harassment in the world of work
Resource Type
Policy Document

In June 2019, the ILO adopted the Violence and Harassment Convention No.190 and its supplementing Recommendation No.206. These are the first international standards to provide a common framework to prevent, remedy and eliminate violence and harassment in the world of work, including gender-based violence and harassment. The ILO has prepared a series of briefs that provide an overview of the instruments and feature specific topics which are of particular importance when addressing violence and harassment in the world of work.
Supplementary resources
Technical briefs
Publishing entities:
Sexual Harassment
Women with Disabilities
Gender Equality and Inequality
Coordination and Knowledge Management
Access to justice and legal protection
Women in the UN System