Cover Page

I Say No To Sexism Online. Combatting Technology-Facilitated GBV- A Guide For Champions

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Cover Page

In recent years, technology-facilitated gender-based violence (GBV) has emerged as a pervasive issue of global scale. Amplified by the anonymity, scale and speed of the internet, online violence can cause serious harm and undermines victims’ safety, reputation, freedom of expression, and participation in the digital realm.

This guidance is designed to help decision-makers understand and combat technology-facilitated GBV and online sexism within their organisations and virtual networks. It provides actionable steps towards creating safer online spaces and tapping into the vast potential for positive change that information and communications technologies offer.

This toolkit is part of the ‘I Say No To Sexism Online’ campaign, launched in 2023, to complement the IGC’s GBV Pledge. As one of two IGC core commitments, the GBV Pledge requires each Gender Champion to uphold a zero-tolerance stance towards any form of GBV, sexist attitudes and behaviours, and harmful norms and beliefs- both offline and online.

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International Gender Champions