Guidance Note: How to develop an Action Plan to Prevent Sexual Harassment (SH) in the Workplace and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA)

UNDP is firmly committed to eradicate SEA and sexual harassment (SH) in the workplace through strengthening relevant policies and reporting mechanisms, fostering a culture of responsibility and awareness around the issue, ensuring personnel have clear information about conduct that is not tolerated, and providing both personnel and local populations with a safe space to report any such misconduct.
All Heads of UNDP Offices are required to fulfill their obligations under the revised Policy on Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Discrimination and Abuse of Authority and the Policy on the Protection Against Retaliation. This includes putting in place an Action Plan on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace and SEA (hereafter Action Plan), and providing mandatory annual certificates of accomplishment to the Administrator.
This Note provides guidance on how to develop the Action Plan. It includes sample actions that can be implemented at the office/unit level and an Action Plan template. For more information refer to the new Intranet page on the prevention of sexual harassment as well as internal and external sites on SEA.